- Since it was established, the Public Security has done the duties of the general investigations.
- In 1372H, the job of the Deputy for General Investigations, Passports, and Nationality was established.
- In 1380H, a separate department was established to do the duties of the general investigations.
- In 1381H, a new general administration of the general investigations, the international police, and drugs control was created.
- In 1386H, the General Investigation was separated from the Public Security.
- In 1387H, the General Investigation became administratively independent from the Ministry Deputy.
- Controlling drugs, forgery, bribe, smuggling, and non-ethical activities have been assigned to other departments and administrations.
- In 1400H, the Administrative Investigations was administratively linked to the General Investigations.
- On 26 /10/ 1438 A.H., Royal order has been issue to separate (General Directorate of Investigation) and link it to Presidency of State Security.